Akin to however seems to refer to other languages that have similar words possibly due to a shared past possibly due to an origin not definitively proven. Akin - Dictionary Definition.
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Brothers are an example of people who are akin.

Something akin to definition. Learn more If someone or something is similar to another person or thing the person or thing is almost but. Definition of akin from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary Cambridge. Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo sacar fuerzas de flaqueza acusar recibo.
Having or showing an affinity. Be to having similar properties qualities preferences etc. If one thing is akin to another it is similar to it in some way.
Spanish and Portuguese are examples of two languages that are akin. The definition of akin is two things that have a lot in common. Having the same properties.
Nevertheless in terms of the rights which attach redeemable preference shares are more akin to debt than shares. Its like comparing how alike a gold and silver are because they are metals. It can also be used in relating one person to another because they are kindred.
Essentially similar related or compatible His interests are akin to. Describes a noun or pronoun--for example a tall girl an interesting book a big house comparable to doing sth algo parecido a loc verb locución verbal. If you know the word kin a relative then you have a clue to the meaning of akin.
Jared Diamond for instance confronts the conundrum of scale in defining the term in Collapse. Akin adjective Save Word Synonyms Antonyms of akin 1 having a close connection like that between family members foxes are closely akin to dogs Synonyms for akin affiliated allied kindred related Near Antonyms for akin diacritical also diacritic different disparate dissimilar distinct distinctive diverse nonidentical other unalike. Synonyms and related words Definition and synonyms of akin from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
Something akin to whats killing bees. Her thoughts on the subject were akin to mine. Akin to something meaning definition what is akin to something.
Meaning pronunciation translations and examples. Akin adjective akin tosimilar to like related to corresponding to parallel to comparable to allied with analogous to affiliated with of a piece with kin to cognate with congenial with connected with ortoIts an activity more akin to gardening than to reading. After death the disembodied soul can only maintain its separate existence even for a limited time by mounting to that region of.
A cupcake is akin to a cake and relatives are akin to each other. For a moment something akin to panic flared in Adams hooded eyes. How SocietiesChoose to Fail or Survive when he describes the phenomenon as an extreme form of several milder types of decline and it becomes arbitrary to decide how drastic the decline of a society.
More example sentences Origin Mid 16th century contracted form of of kin. This is the British English definition of akin. By definition slavery was a brutal violent and dehumanising institution where slaves were seen as akin to animals.
During the time of Prohibition. Akin Pronunciation əˈkɪn See synonyms for akin Translate akin into Spanish adjective predicative 1 Of similar character. Very similar to something.
Finally the same cause a relaxation of tension accounts for sleep decay and death of man and for the dissolution of the world. Something akin to vertigo was troubling her. Meaning of akin in English.
Something akin to gratitude overwhelmed her More example sentences Related by blood. Adjective 1 1 Advertisement Having a similar quality or character. Definition of akin 1.
They speak a language akin to French. The word akin refers to the similarity of the same type. Something akin to doing sth adj adjective.
Akin əˈkɪn adjective formal akin to something Examples from the Corpus akin It is therefore in many ways more akin to an art rather than a science. It is akin to the banning of alcohol in the USA. Adjective 1 1 Akin is defined as someone to whom you are related by blood.
Related or connected synonyms for akin Compare Synonyms analogous comparable similar affiliated agnate alike allied cognated connate consonant corresponding incident kindred like parallel Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing antonyms for akin MOST RELEVANT dissimilar unalike unlike alien. They are emotionally but not intellectually akin. Kaumatua or elder Wara Heremaia told the crowd Maori had gathered to celebrate the power of aroha something akin to love rather than anger.
Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of akin to. Related by blood. By definition slavery was a brutal violent and dehumanising institution where slaves were seen as akin to animals.
Akin Definitions and Synonyms adjective UK əˈkɪn phrase akin to something 1 similar to something The political situation here is more akin to dictatorship than democracy. Descended from a common ancestor or prototype The dog and fox are closely akin. Akin adjective us əˈkɪn having some of the same qualities.
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