Her air supply cut off she tore at the hand holding her until the skin on his arm fell away to reveal smooth black skin more akin to a reptiles than a humans. When you present please do not be an insipid speaker who makes everyone fall asleep.
And others or more of the same or similar kind.

Define akin use in a sentence. Small in a sentence. Example sentences with the word twinge. Very evil and wicked.
Akin is defined as someone to whom you are related by blood. This may lead us to develop better rules for throwing code away. Because my kids were running around the store knocking over merchandise I had to admonish them.
The soup lacks the right seasoning and tastes insipid. Example sentences with the word fife. And so forth ən- ˈsō- ˌfȯrth.
Related to a matter at hand especially to a subject under discussion. Descended from a common ancestor or prototype The dog and fox are closely akin. Definition of akin 1.
Formal Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel. Examples of Nefarious in a sentence. Simple Sentences with akin A simple sentence with akin contains a subject and a verb and it may also have an object and modifiers.
Something akin to getting a date with Miss America. Copyright HarperCollins Publishers. It is evil desires low ideals useless cravings idle excitements that are to be suppressed by the cultivation of the opposite of right desires lofty aspirations.
How to use twinge in a sentence. Brothers are an example of people who are akin. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.
Examples of Akin in a sentence. First performed in 1668 MoliÃres comedy cunningly ridicules the snobbery of the aristocracy and the foolish aspirations of the nouveau riche. Essentially similar related or compatible His interests are akin to.
All sentences include two parts. And so on ən- ˈsō- ˌȯn. Related by blood.
Here are some examples. 4 used in logic to form a conjunction. Even in casual amours these class laws were invariably observed and the young man or woman who defied them was punished he with death she with spearing or beating.
-- used of persons. Because fits of sneezing assail me almost year-round I never go outside without taking an antihistamine. The most voted sentence example for fife is The new castle an uninteresti.
Compound Sentences with akin A compound sentence with akin contains at least two independent clauses. What does germane mean. How to use small in a sentence.
However it contains only one independent clause. Definition of Akin Of the same kin. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences.
If anyone ever talks negatively about Alexs father his response is to assail the person with insults. There are some people who believe asking for government assistance is akin to admitting one is a failure. Further in the same or similar manner.
Show More Sentences To say that too much rain fell this week for the gullies and drains to cope with the weight of water is akin to the leaves on the line arguments put forward by the railways. Partaking of the same properties. 20 examples of simple sentences small.
Of persons Of the same kin. Of the same kind. How to pronounce and audio.
Unless your goal is to watch an insipid movie that will bore you to. Related through a common ancestor. 10 examples of sentences small.
əkɪn adjective v-link ADJ to n If one thing is akin to another it is similar to it in some way. Sure in theory possiblebut realistically it aint gonna happen. One man employed his nefarious scheme to hack into peoples computers and steal bank account information.
Arnulf who was a candidate for the German crown in 919 claimed to be independent and openly defied the German king Conrad I. Finally Drew had to admonish his employees to arrive on time for work warning them of the consequences if they arrived late tomorrow. Having a long rap sheet the man lead a life of nefarious behavior.
When difficult circumstances assail my tranquility I turn to meditation. But he stopped a twinge of something akin to regret filtering through the hard layers protecting his. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a.
As the two families are near akin. Examples of Assail in a sentence. Examples of Admonish in a sentence.
Examples of Insipid in a sentence. It is akin toasking sexual harassers to assess themselves when it is obvious they find their behaviour acceptable on their own terms. How to use fife in a sentence.
How nefarious of you to fling dog crap on my car. From the Cambridge English Corpus. The situation is akin to running a lazy functional program without garbage collection.
For Elizabeth divorcing her ninth husband was akin to throwing out old shoes and buying a new pair. Finally abandoning value metrics is akin tothrowing the baby out with the bathwater. Noun suffix state.
Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples Knowledge. I feel akin to the writers and exciters the people who put themselves out on the front line let their thoughts and their hearts be known to the world.
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